MacSpectrum v1.0.1

In the sample-cell table: genes as rows, cells (samples) as columns. The first column is ensembl ID of genes, while other columns are gene expression levels of each sample, in UMI, FPKM/RPKM, TPM, or other relative expression formats.
The features.csv file should be a single column csv file, which contains any features of the samples (treated/control, disease/healthy, etc.). The features should be of same number and order as samples in the gene-cell table.

After uploading files, hit Go! to calculate. Then use the Download Buttons to save the results.
Depending the size of your dataset, preparation of Signature Gene Download may take several minutes or longer.

Download MPI/AMDI Download Sig Genes
The Download MPI/AMDI button allows you to download MPI and AMDI values of your samples.
The Download Sig Genes button allows you to download differential expressions of genes between the samples of upper 50% MPI and lower 50% MPI, provided as log2 Fold Changes and p-Values.